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Type of useCommercial
Type of commercializationPurchase
Type of propertyAgriculture/Forestry
Kind of propertyAgricultural enterprises
CityChiopris Viscone
Plot size185.000 sqm
PropNo1745 Type of useCommercial
Type of commercializationPurchase Type of propertyAgriculture/Forestry
Kind of propertyAgricultural enterprises Postcode33048
CityChiopris Viscone CountryItaly
Plot size185.000 sqm

Information commission: 4% + MwSt. / Iva

Real estate details
in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy.
Higher yields thanks to Bio-Organic and specific know-how.
Granny Smith and Yellow Kiwi
A sustainable and future-oriented investment opportunity.
Strategic location, 24 km from Udine, 50 km from Trieste, 120 km from Venice.
Photovoltaic system and electric harvesters.
Sustainable production with respect for nature and the environment.
On approx. 18.5 hectares of land, biodynamic fruit growing is practised here according to the latest ecological findings. The farm's own photovoltaic system supplies the electricity for electric harvesters and the sensor-controlled irrigation system. Sustainable cultivation according to strict bio-organic guidelines and the consistent use of renewable energies make the Bio-Organic Farm a much visited model farm.
The effort pays off: healthy enjoyment thanks to organic quality
In 2010, the farm started sowing herbs to improve the soil according to organic criteria. In the meantime, the entire plantation is protected by fine-meshed nets, from flowering to harvest. Ladybirds and other beneficial insects actively help to produce crunchy and healthy fruit free of genetic engineering and pesticides on the Farm.
18.5 ha of land owned
3.7 ha of pasture and bush under lease to meet Demeter guidelines for biodiversity.
The Bio-Organic Farm is located in the province of Udine in north-eastern Italy. Only 20 km from the sea - and 20 from the mountains - 50,000 Granny Smith apple trees, 8,000 of the Idared variety for pollination and 10,000 of the new Crimson Snow variety find an ideal microclimate for optimal development on the warm, stony soils. Only fruits that are ripe for eating are harvested. The Brix value of the first-class organic apples is 1-2° above the standard.
Trust is good, control is better.
The organic seal on the packaging guarantees that the apples come from organic cultivation. The organic farm has the following certifications:
Abcert certification for organic products.
GlobalG.A.P. GRASP risk assessment on social practice.
External commission4% + MwSt. / Iva
Real estate details
Description of property BIO-ORGANIC SHOWCASE FARM
in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy.
Higher yields thanks to Bio-Organic and specific know-how.
Granny Smith and Yellow Kiwi
A sustainable and future-oriented investment opportunity.
Strategic location, 24 km from Udine, 50 km from Trieste, 120 km from Venice.
Photovoltaic system and electric harvesters.
Sustainable production with respect for nature and the environment.
On approx. 18.5 hectares of land, biodynamic fruit growing is practised here according to the latest ecological findings. The farm's own photovoltaic system supplies the electricity for electric harvesters and the sensor-controlled irrigation system. Sustainable cultivation according to strict bio-organic guidelines and the consistent use of renewable energies make the Bio-Organic Farm a much visited model farm.
The effort pays off: healthy enjoyment thanks to organic quality
In 2010, the farm started sowing herbs to improve the soil according to organic criteria. In the meantime, the entire plantation is protected by fine-meshed nets, from flowering to harvest. Ladybirds and other beneficial insects actively help to produce crunchy and healthy fruit free of genetic engineering and pesticides on the Farm.
Ausstattung der Immobilie 18.5 ha of land owned
3.7 ha of pasture and bush under lease to meet Demeter guidelines for biodiversity.
Hier befindet sich die Immobilie The Bio-Organic Farm is located in the province of Udine in north-eastern Italy. Only 20 km from the sea - and 20 from the mountains - 50,000 Granny Smith apple trees, 8,000 of the Idared variety for pollination and 10,000 of the new Crimson Snow variety find an ideal microclimate for optimal development on the warm, stony soils. Only fruits that are ripe for eating are harvested. The Brix value of the first-class organic apples is 1-2° above the standard. Other data for the property Trust is good, control is better.
The organic seal on the packaging guarantees that the apples come from organic cultivation. The organic farm has the following certifications:
Abcert certification for organic products.
GlobalG.A.P. GRASP risk assessment on social practice.
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Dr. Benedetti Real Service - since 1945
Via Leonardo da Vinci 9
39012 Meran

Phone +39 0473 236613 Fax +39 0473 231296 Email

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Dr. Benedetti Real Service® - seit 1945

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